
Available presentations and abstracts from the following ECAT Participants’ Meetings:

12th ECAT International Symposium 2022

11th ECAT International Symposium 2018

Satellite Symposium 2018

10th ECAT International Symposium 2016

9th ECAT International Symposium 2014

8th ECAT International Symposium 2012

7th ECAT International Symposium 2010

6th ECAT International Symposium 2008

12th ECAT International Symposium 2022

Dear participant, due to a technical problem, Friday’s videos are not available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation video
A. Greinacher HIT and VITT: is there a bridge? acrobat
G. Lippi COVID-19 and the role of the haemostasis laboratory acrobat
M. van Schrojenstein Lantman Determination of lot-to-lot variability of reagents acrobat
C. Cobbaert What are the implications of the new IVD regulation for the daily laboratory practice? acrobat
J. Douxfils Method validation for haemostasis assays acrobat
D. Gommers The intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic Not available
J. Coutinho Sinus thrombosis, past, present and future acrobat
P. Meijer Guidance for FVIII/FIX Inhibitor testing acrobat
M. van Essen Biological Variation in haemostasis acrobat
G. Moore When Haemostasis Assays Mislead acrobat
F. Leebeek Hemophilia and gene therapy acrobat
R. Selby D-Dimer: quality of laboratory testing and its implications in clinical practice acrobat
P. Tsiamytzis /     P. Meijer How to interpret the Z-score in survey reports (theory and practical examples) acrobat
K. Freson Thrombogenomics acrobat
J. Eikenboom Low von Willebrand Factor and diagnostic treshold acrobat
M. Kruijt Next-generation antithrombin diagnostics by mass spectrometry acrobat
M. Coppens /
S. Kitchen
What information does the doctor expect from the laboratory?
What kind of services can a laboratory deliver to the physician?
G. Jansen Follow-up of LA positieve patients acrobat
K. Devreese Antiphospholipid Antibody Assay results and clinical implications acrobat

11th ECAT International Symposium

 Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
D. Lillicrap New developments in haemophilia treatment acrobat acrobat
S. Tiefenbacher Haemophilia treatment and laboratory testing acrobat acrobat
L. Schutte One-stage clotting assay versus chromogenic testing in the diagnosis of haemophilia patients acrobat Presentation not available!
I. van Moort Factor VIII testing: results of ECAT surveys acrobat acrobat
E. Katona Inherited FXIII deficiency: laboratory diagnosis acrobat acrobat
H. Versteeg Crossroads between cancer and coagulation acrobat Presentation not available!
E. Azjner EFLM/EQALM on the laboratory diagnosis of a prolonged APTT acrobat acrobat
K. Devreese Thrombotic APS pathophysiology: consequences for laboratory diagnosis acrobat acrobat
R. Urbanus Interferences in Lupus testing Abstract not available! acrobat
D. Coen Herak Autovalidation of coagulation test results acrobat acrobat
R. Idema Biological variation, quality specifications and Six Sigma acrobat acrobat
K. Kluft A paradigm shift in measuring blood coagulation acrobat Presentation not available!
G. Moore The use of snake venoms in the coagulation laboratory acrobat acrobat
T. Kitchen The importance of thromboelastography in clinical practice acrobat acrobat
M. de Maat Is there a need to measure ROTEM/TEG acrobat acrobat
P. Meijer Results of ECAT EQA programme on ROTEM/TEG acrobat acrobat
A. McCormick Platelet Function Testing acrobat acrobat
P. Tsiamyrtzis How to evaluate your Z-score? acrobat acrobat
P. Meijer New developments within ECAT Abstract not available! acrobat
E. Lindhoff – Last Is laboratory measurement of DOACS necessary? Abstract not available! Presentation not available!
R. Gosselin Guidance for laboratory testing of DOACS acrobat acrobat
J. Douxfils Interference of DOACS in coagulation tests acrobat acrobat
M. van Essen Results of ECAT EQA programme on DOACS acrobat acrobat

Satellite Symposium 2018

 Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
D. Lillicrap Treatmentof patients with extended half-life FVIII and FIX products Abstract not available!  acrobat
E. Gray Potency labelling of extended half-life FVIII en FIX products acrobat acrobat
S. Tiefenbacher Laboratory measurement of extended half-life FVIII acrobat acrobat
S. Kitchen Laboratory measurement of extended half-life FIX Abstract not available! acrobat
I. Jennings Quality Assurance of extended half-life products acrobat acrobat
P. Meijer Future perspective in quality assurance acrobat acrobat

10th ECAT International Symposium 2016

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
H. van Ommen Developmental haemostasis: consequences for clinical practice acrobat acrobat
G. Lippi Diagnostics in venous thromboembolism: from origin to future prospects acrobat acrobat
R. Marlar

Laboratory Guidelines for Antithrombin, Proteins C and S, and APC-Resistance Testing

acrobat acrobat
E. Castoldi TFPI: new insights in an old inhibitor acrobat acrobat
C. Maas The role of contact activation in thrombosis and beyond acrobat Presentation not available!
C. Kluft Is standardisation in coagulation feasible? acrobat Presentation not available!
E. Gray Have international standards in haemostasis improved comparability of laboratory results? acrobat acrobat
T. v.d. Besselaar International Normalized Ratio for monitoring therapy with vitamin K Antagonists acrobat acrobat
F. Leebeek The diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease acrobat acrobat
S. Sandberg Analytical Performance Specifications: the benefit for the laboratory! acrobat acrobat
P. Mannucci The differential diagnosis between TTP and atypical HUS acrobat acrobat
A. H. Kristoffersen Current practice in the pre-analitycal phase acrobat Presentation not available!
S. Kitchen The use of Guidelines in Haemostasis Laboratory Testing acrobat acrobat
K. Meijer Haemophilia, new development in patient treatment acrobat acrobat
R. Pruthi Introduction on Inhibitor Testing acrobat acrobat
P. Meijer ECAT: Towards sustainable EQA acrobat acrobat
T. Lisman The relevance of pre-operative hemostasis screening acrobat acrobat
J. Meijers Medical device thrombosis acrobat acrobat
M. ter Horst Rotem, does it have value at the cardiothoracic operation theatre? acrobat acrobat
D. James How to use EQA results within the laboratory acrobat acrobat

9th ECAT International Symposium 2014

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
S. Church Auditing the pre-analytical phase: lessons from 40+ audits across Europe acrobat acrobat
H. ten Cate The future of anticoagulation acrobat acrobat
M. Spannagl

Monitoring new oral anticoagulants-Practical approach

Abstract not available! acrobat
P. Meijer ECAT survey results on direct oral anticoagulant testing acrobat acrobat
G. Moore The new CLSI guideline on Lupus Anticoagulant testing acrobat acrobat
S. Rosén How to measure low levels of Factor VIII and IX acrobat acrobat
H. W. Verbruggen ECAT survey results for low levels of Factor VIII acrobat acrobat
C. Kluft Slope and parallelism of APTT dilution curves: new insights acrobat Presentation not available!
J. Ruinemans Establishing reference values – with low number of control samples — acrobat acrobat
P. Meijer EQA results for POCT INR testing acrobat acrobat
Y. Henskens Application of thrombo-elastography in clinical practice and how to control quality acrobat acrobat
Ph. G. de Groot The pathophysiology of Lupus Anticoagulant and the consequences for the laboratory diagnostics acrobat acrobat
B. Lämmle ADAMTS13 and the pathogenesis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) acrobat acrobat
R.W.L.M. Niessen ECAT survey results on ADAMTS13 testing acrobat acrobat
H. W. Verbruggen Introduction on Inhibitor Testing Abstract not available! acrobat
A. Huisman Procedures and barriers for the introduction of a new or improved method: the example of inhibitor testing acrobat acrobat
M. van leeuwen Resistance to change: How to facilitate the implementation of new methods in the lab Abstract not available! acrobat
M.P.M. de Maat Quality assurance of the entire diagnostic process acrobat acrobat
K. Krauel The pathophysiology of HIT acrobat Presentation not available!
L. Porcelijn Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia; a diagnostic challenge acrobat acrobat
F.J.L.M. Haas ECAT survey results for HIT acrobat acrobat
P.H. Reitsma The role of molecular biology in the diagnosis of impaired haemostasis acrobat Presentation not available!

8th ECAT International Symposium 2012

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
D.M. (Adcock) Funk Pre-analytical Variables in the Hemostasis Laboratory
Th. VandenDriessche Gene therapy, the future in hemophilia treatment? Presentation not available!
A. Pavlova Laboratory assays for the measurement of Factor VIII and IX
P. Meijer The performance of FVIII and FIX measurement in ECAT surveys
H.W. Verbruggen Factor VIII inhibitor testing – a way to comparable test results
A. Kristoffersen Interpretation and management of INR results: a case history based survey in 13 countries
H. Mani Measurement of new oral anticoagulans
M.P.M. de Maat First experience of ECAT with Measurement of New Oral Anticoagulation Drugs
P.B. Berendes Is therapeutic quality influenced by choice of thromboplastin?
F. Haas Age-dependent cut-off values for D-Dimer testing
J. Rosing Global haemostasis assays: what will be the future?
Ph. G. de Groot Biochemical background of Lupus Anticoagulant
G. Denas The SSC algorithm for Lupus testing
G. Moore The CLSI & BCSH algorithms for Lupus anticoagulant testing
C. Cobbeart How to assure the quality of POCT testing
P. Meijer External quality control for CoaguChek XS INR monitors
G. Horowitz Reference Intervals: Practical Approaches
M. Dardikh Algoritm for Laboratory Investigations in Case of a prolonged APTT
P. Meijer Towards diagnostic quality control: a pilot study on acquired inhibitors
E. Ajzner How do laboratories interpret unexpected APTT prolongation?

7th ECAT International Symposium 2010

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
M.P.M. de Maat Biological variation and quality control
J. Meijers The fibrinolytical system, what and how to measure? Presentation not available!
R. Niessen The results of fibrinolytic surveys
P. Meijer How to use EQA results in the laboratory?
M. Janssen Case studies in Thrombophilia
M. Kruip Case studies in Bleeding disorders
J.O. Westgard Quality planning in the Haemostasis Laboratory
A. Tripoli Lupus Anticoagulant: Update of the SSC guidelines
W. Nichols Lupus Anticoagulant: Do guidelines work in practice?
P. Meijer Lupus Anticoagulant: Remarkable observations in ECAT surveys
H.W. Verbruggen Factor VIII Inhibitor Testing, the way to better comparison of test results
H. Bounameaux An update on new anticoagulation drugs
D. Peetz Desired tests for monitoring new anticoagulation drugs
C. Kluft New developments in laboratory tests Presentation not available!
A.M.H.P. van den Besselaar The effect of local ISI calibration on the inter-laboratory variation of the INR
F. Leebeek The laboratory diagnosis of vWD: current insights
P. Harrison Laboratory diagnosis of platelet disorders
K. Moffat Results of the interpretative platelet surveys
C.M. Hackeng Results of the workshop on platelet function testing Abstract not available!
P. Meijer External quality control: a new decade

6th ECAT International Symposium 2008

Speaker Titel Abstract Presentation
M. Galli The antiphospholipid syndrome: a laboratory phenomenon?
L. Muszbek The laboratory diagnosis and classification of FXIII deficiencies
R. Niessen The results of the ECAT pilot study on FXIII testing
A. Stroobants Test and equipment evaluation, a practical approach
K. de Vooght Point of care testing for haemostasis. The laboratories point of view
E. Tuddenham Point of care testing for haemostasis. The clinician’s point of view
L. Rugeri The results of thromboelastography: does it fit with laboratory testing?
R.M. Bertina The future of the laboratory diagnosis of thrombofilia Abstract not available!
C. Hayward Platelet function testing: laboratory tests and quality control
C.G. Fraser Biological variation and analytical quality specifications
M.P.M. de Maat Biological variation of inflammatory and hemostatic markers
P. Meijer A scoring system based on the biological variation
E. Favaloro Inhibitor testing: positive or negative? True or False?
H.W. Verbruggen The results of the workshop on inhibitor testing Abstract not available!
D. van Loon Laboratory accreditation: the value of quality improvement
A. Greinacher Laboratory testing for heparin induced thrombocytopenia
P. Meijer The result of the ECAT HIT surveys
C. Kluft Generation assays in coagulation and fibrinolysis: Principles and possibilities Presentation not available!
W. van Heerde Clotting and Fibrinolysis: an integrated test system
M. Spannagl Laboratory assesment of direct and indirect thrombin inhibitors

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