Assessment of accuracy of laboratory testing results, relative to peer group consensus values in external quality control, by bivariate z-score analysis: the example of D-Dimer.

In 2023 the ECAT has introduced an advanced methodology for the evaluation of Z-scores obtained in external quality assessment surveys. The publication below describes this so-called bivariate Z-score analysis.


Objectives: The aim of this study is to develop a practical method for bivariate z-score analysis which can be applied to the survey of an external quality assessment programme.

Methods: To develop the bivariate z-score analysis, the results of four surveys of the international D-Dimer external quality assessment programme of 2022 of the ECAT Foundation were used. The proposed methodology starts by identifying the bivariate outliers, using a Supervised Sequential Hotelling T2 control chart. The outlying data are removed, and all the remaining data are used to provide robust estimates of the parameters of the assumed underlying bivariate normal distribution. Based on these estimates two nested homocentric ellipses are drawn, corresponding to confidence levels of 95 and 99.7 %. The bivariate z-score

plot described provides the laboratory with an indication of both systematic and random deviations from zero z-score values. The bivariate z-score analysis was examined within survey 2022-D4 across the three most frequently used methods.

Results: The number of z-score pairs included varied between 830 and 857 and the number of bivariate outliers

varied between 20 and 28. The correlation between the z-score pairs varied between 0.431 and 0.647. The correlation between the z-score pairs for the three most frequently used varied between 0.208 and 0.636.

Conclusions: The use of the bivariate z-score analysis is of major importance when multiple samples are distributed around in the same survey and dependency of the results is likely. Important lessons can be drawn from the shape of the ellipse with respect to random and systematic deviations, while individual laboratories have been informed about their position in the state-of-the-art distribution and whether they have to deal with systematic and/or random deviations.

Clin Chem Lab Med 2024; 62(8): 1548–1556.

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