Company | IgA | IgG | IgM | Remarks |
Aesku.Diagnostics | AESKULISA β2-Glyco-Check | AESKULISA β2-Glyco-Check | AESKULISA β2-Glyco-Check | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Anti-β2 glycoprotein I antibodies Entity: Qualitative and quantitative |
Aesku.Diagnostics | AESKULISA ß2 Glyco-A | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Anti-β2 glycoprotein I antibodies Entity: Qualitative and quantitative | ||
Bio-Rad | Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein I IgA | Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein I IgG | Anti-Beta 2 Glycoprotein I IgM | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Entity: Semi quantitative |
Bio-Rad | BioPlex 2200 APLS IgA | BioPlex 2200 APLS IgG | BioPlex 2200 APLS IgM | Method: Bioplex (beats) immuno assayAssay principle: A two step simultaneous detection of two auto antibodies Coating :anti-Cardiolipin and anti-Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Dialab | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Entity: Quantitative | |
Diamedix | Immunosimplicity™ anti-B2-Glycoprotein I IgG/IgM Test Kit | Immunosimplicity™ anti-B2-Glycoprotein I IgG/IgM Test Kit | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified human α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative | |
Euroimmun | Euroimmun β2-glycoprotein 1 | Euroimmun β2-glycoprotein 1 | Euroimmun β2-glycoprotein 1 | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified native, human serum |
Generic Assays | anti-ß2-Glycoprotein I | anti-ß2-Glycoprotein I | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: ß2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative | |
Generic Assays | anti-ß2-Glycoprotein I screen | anti-ß2-Glycoprotein I screen | anti-ß2-Glycoprotein I screen | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: ß2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Hemagen | Virgo, B2 Glycoprotein IgA | Virgo, B2 Glycoprotein IgG/IgM | Virgo, B2 Glycoprotein IgG/IgM | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Entity: Quantitative |
Hyphen BioMed | ZYMUTEST Anti-B2GPI | ZYMUTEST Anti-B2GPI | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified human α2-glycoprotein Entity: Quantitative | |
IBL Anti-α2-Glycoprotein 1 | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I, IgA | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I, IgG IgM | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I, IgG IgM | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Putifid β2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
IBL | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein I Screen | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two steps Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Immunodiagnosticsystems | β2-Glycoprotein I IgG | β2-Glycoprotein I IgG | Method: CLIA Entity: Quantitative | |
Imtec | ß2-Glycoprotein I-Antibodies | ß2-Glycoprotein I-Antibodies | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Human β2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative | |
Imtec | ß2-Glycoprotein I-Antibodies Screen | ß2-Glycoprotein I-Antibodies Screen | ß2-Glycoprotein I-Antibodies Screen | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Human β2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Louisville APL Diagnostics | aß2GPI HRP kit | aß2GPI HRP kit | aß2GPI HRP kit | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two steps Coating: Purified human – β2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Orgentec | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgA | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgG,IgM | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgG,IgM | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Orgentec | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Orgentec | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgA | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgG | Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I IgM | Method: EIA (Alegria) Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Orgentec | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Anti-beta-2-Glycoprotein I Screen | Method: EIA (Alegria) Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
REAADS | Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein I | Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein I | Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein I | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Human β2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Svar | Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 antibodies – IgA | Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 antibodies – IgG and IgM | Beta-2 Glycoprotein-1 antibodies – IgG and IgM | Method: EIAAssay principle: Two step Coating: Purified human α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Qualitative and quantitative |
Thermo Scientific | ELiA ß2-Glycoprotein I | ELiA ß2-Glycoprotein I | ELiA ß2-Glycoprotein I | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified human α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Theradiag | Cardiolisa IgG Perox | Cardiolisa IgM perox | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Bovine cardiolipin Entity: Qualitative or quantitative | |
Theradiag | FIDIS APS | FIDIS APS | Method: Flow, FIDIS Assay principle: A panel to detect autoantibodies to Cardiolipin, Beta 2 Glycoprotein and Prothrombin Entity: Semi-quantitative | |
TheraTest | EL-Beta2GPI IgM, IgG, IgA | EL-Beta2GPI IgM, IgG, IgA | EL-Beta2GP IgM, IgG, IgA | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Quantitative |
Werfen | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein-I | Anti-β2 Glycoprotein-I | Method: EIA (chemiluminescent)Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purified human α2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative | |
Werfen | QUANTA Flash ß2GP1 | QUANTA Flash ß2GP1 | QUANTA Flash ß2GP1 | Method: CIA Entity: Semi-quantitative |
Werfen | QUANTA Lite® ß2GP1 | QUANTA Lite® ß2GP1 | QUANTA Lite® ß2GP1 | Method: EIA Assay principle: Two step Coating: Purifiedα2-glycoprotein I Entity: Semi-quantitative |